British Newspaper Groups Warn That Apple is Working on Ad Blocking tool

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British newspaper groups have cautioned Apple against implementing a “web eraser” tool, emphasizing that it could jeopardize the financial sustainability of journalism.

The warning comes in response to Apple’s plans to introduce an AI-driven privacy feature in the Safari browser as part of the upcoming iOS 18 software update, aimed at blocking ads and unwanted website content.

Newsmedia Association – Apple Company

The News Media Association (NMA), representing the industry, voiced concerns about the potential impact of the proposed tool on digital revenues.

In a letter addressed to Apple’s UK government affairs chief, the NMA highlighted the importance of advertising as a significant revenue source for publishers, stressing that professional journalism relies on adequate funding.

Moreover, the NMA expressed apprehensions regarding editorial integrity if AI tools were employed to selectively modify or remove article content.

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In response to these concerns, the association has requested a meeting between publishers and Apple to explore the implications of the proposed web eraser.

The NMA, as described on its website, is an association representing various UK-based national, regional, and local news media organizations.

Mason Williams
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