Ken Griffin Calls on Harvard to Consider ‘Western Values’ Amid Protests

Ken Griffin - Harvard Protests

Ken Griffin, the billionaire founder of hedge fund Citadel, has immersed himself further into the ongoing national discourse concerning American colleges and the widespread protests unfolding on numerous campuses regarding Israel’s conflict in Gaza.

In a conversation with the Financial Times, Griffin, an alumnus of Harvard and a significant donor to the institution, criticized what he described as the prevailing social justice “narrative” in certain academic institutions.

“What you’re witnessing presently is the culmination of a cultural revolution within American education being played out on college campuses, predominantly through the lens of the oppressor and the oppressed,”

Griffin remarked, likening the protests to “performative art” that offers no tangible assistance to either Palestinians or Israelis.

Ken Griffin – Harvard Protests

Griffin, alongside other figures from Wall Street, has been actively expressing opinions on the protests, particularly those occurring at prestigious universities.

In January, he garnered attention for referring to Harvard students as “whiny snowflakes” and subsequently ceasing his donations to the university, which had exceeded $500 million.

Recently, he attributed the protests to a “failing education system,” noting a comparatively less turbulent situation at Harvard than at Columbia, where recent police actions dismantled protest encampments.

When queried by the Financial Times about Harvard’s next steps, Griffin advocated for the institution to emphasize its commitment to meritocracy in America, nurturing future leaders across various sectors and instilling Western values in its students.

Ken Griffin – Harvard Protests

Harvard declined to provide immediate comment to Fortune’s request for a response. While some businesses have declared their refusal to hire students involved in the protests, others have expressed solidarity.

According to recent discussions with recruiting experts interviewed by Fortune, opinions vary on the potential impact of the protests on students’ employability.

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden recently defended students’ right to peaceful protest but maintained his stance on Gaza, asserting the necessity of maintaining order on school campuses.

An upcoming White House report addressing the utilization of U.S.-provided weapons in Gaza is anticipated to critique Israel, although it refrains from concluding that Israel violated the terms of their usage.

Nate O'Hara
Nathan is a seasoned commerce writer with a passion for unraveling the intricacies of the business world and distilling them into engaging narratives. During his academic journey, he delved deep into subjects like economics, marketing, and entrepreneurship, honing his analytical skills and developing a keen understanding of market dynamics.