Flow of Immigrant Workers is Boosting the U.S Labor Market

US Labor Market (Credits: Shutterstock)

The robust jobs market in America, post-pandemic, has found significant reinforcement in the immigrant workforce.

With an aging native population and stagnant birth rates, economists and the Federal Reserve are emphasizing the pivotal role of immigrant workers in fostering future economic growth.

According to Bureau of Labor Statistics data, immigrant workers accounted for a record-high 18.6% of the workforce last year.

They are increasingly filling vacancies across diverse sectors such as agriculture, technology, and healthcare, where labor shortages have posed challenges for employers.

Despite April’s job additions falling short of expectations, the labor force participation rate for foreign-born workers saw a slight uptick to 66%.

Immigrant Workers (Credits: MikeleDray /Shutterstock)

Jennie Murray, CEO of the National Immigration Forum, highlighted the constructive role of immigrant workers in revitalizing the labor force: “They are not taking jobs. They are helping to bolster and helping us build back — they’re adding needed workers to the labor force.”

The influx of immigrant workers is forecasted to contribute significantly to U.S. output. According to Congressional Budget Office Director Phillip Swagel, higher net immigration is expected to boost gross domestic product by $7 trillion over the next decade.

Goodwin Living, a nonprofit elder-care facility in Northern Virginia, relies heavily on immigrant workers, with 40% of its workforce originating from 65 different countries.

As the demand for elder care rises with an aging population, CEO Rob Liebreich emphasizes the importance of immigrant labor in filling these gaps.

Immigrant Workers (Credits: Getty Images)

To support immigrant workers, Goodwin initiated a citizenship program in 2018, providing resources for obtaining U.S. citizenship. Wilner Vialer, a beneficiary of this program, underscores its impact: “This program is a good opportunity. They help me, I have a family back home…”

Liebreich stresses the necessity of expediting the citizenship process to remain competitive globally: “If we want to attract and retain this global workforce, which we desperately need, we need to make the process a lot easier.”

With immigration emerging as a prominent issue in the upcoming presidential campaign, the significance of immigrant labor will likely remain a focal point of national discourse.

Ethan Johnson
Ethan's journey into journalism began with a deep curiosity about how businesses operate and evolve in today's dynamic markets. Armed with a degree in Journalism from a prestigious university, he embarked on his career, initially covering local business developments before expanding his scope to national and international commerce news.