Amazon Sellers Are Turning to Google Ads To Boost Business

Amazon Sellers - Google Ads

According to report on Thursday (May 30), Amazon sellers are increasingly leveraging Google Ads to boost their businesses and distinguish themselves within the competitive marketplace.

As Amazon continues to burgeon into a colossal force in the advertising space, raking in a staggering $47 billion in advertising revenue last year, sellers are grappling with the challenge of standing out amid the platform’s burgeoning clutter. This predicament has propelled sellers and brands towards alternative marketing avenues.

Capitalizing on this shift, Google, traditionally striving to carve a niche as a shopping hub, has extended a helping hand to Amazon sellers.

Amazon Sellers – Google Ads

Last autumn, the tech giant introduced a deal-finding tool targeting budget-conscious consumers and is currently in the beta phase of testing novel functionalities enabling brands to showcase brief videos within search results.

However, the true game-changer for Amazon sellers lies in the emergence of startups like Carbon6 and Ampd, which have engineered algorithms capable of parsing Google searches to pinpoint potential buyers, as per the report.

The algorithms crafted by Carbon6 and Ampd empower sellers to zero in on prospective buyers on Google and funnel them toward Amazon. By scrutinizing variables such as demographics and income, these algorithms gauge the likelihood of a prospective buyer completing a purchase.

Amazon Sellers – Google Ads

Particularly advantageous for sellers peddling mid- to high-priced items, the software tools offered by Carbon6 and Ampd offer a strategic edge, the report outlined.

Since the cost of keywords on Google isn’t directly correlated with a product’s price, sellers may potentially secure a complimentary ad placement if the expense of the Google search term falls below the credit Amazon extends for the traffic referral.

Consumer behavior has also played a pivotal role in the heightened utilization of search engines like Google for product discovery, as per the report.

EMarketer data cited indicates a decline in the proportion of shopping journeys commencing on online marketplaces such as Amazon, from 52% in 2022 to 40% in the previous year. Conversely, nearly 30% of shoppers initiated their shopping escapades on search engines, up from 25% in the preceding year.

Ethan Johnson
Ethan's journey into journalism began with a deep curiosity about how businesses operate and evolve in today's dynamic markets. Armed with a degree in Journalism from a prestigious university, he embarked on his career, initially covering local business developments before expanding his scope to national and international commerce news.