Adidas is strategizing to maintain the momentum of its iconic Samba and Gazelle sneakers amidst surging demand, aiming to avoid the pitfalls of overexposure. These classic kicks, reminiscent of the soccer fan culture of the past, have witnessed a remarkable ...

Amidst the backdrop of geopolitical tensions and uncertainty, Eastern Europeans are increasingly turning to the West in search of stability and security. Agnes Marciniak-Kostrzewa, a seasoned property agent with over two decades of experience, finds herself inundated with inquiries from ...

In a significant move aimed at reforming Ukraine’s military mobilization regulations, President Volodymyr Zelensky has ratified a crucial legislation. This legislative action mandates all male citizens aged between 18 and 60 to enlist with Ukraine’s armed forces and to carry ...

Pressure is escalating on British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to halt the sale of arms to Israel in the wake of a tragic attack on a convoy of aid workers in Gaza. Calls for a suspension of arms sales intensified ...

In a bold move ahead of the upcoming election, Labour has discloseed an ambitious plan to fully nationalize the train network within five years of assuming power. This proposal marks a significant departure from the current system and is touted ...

In a contentious move, council authorities in east London have initiated the removal of pro-Palestine murals, sparking outrage and debate across the city. The decision, prompted by complaints from pro-Israeli groups, has drawn criticism from local officials and residents alike. ...

Amidst global geopolitical tensions, Taiwan’s president Tsai Ing-wen has applauded the US Congress for passing a comprehensive foreign aid package, signaling a significant boost in support for the island nation. The legislation, which encompasses aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, ...

In the wake of the New York court’s stunning decision to overturn Harvey Weinstein’s rape conviction, Tarana Burke, the founder of the #MeToo movement, reaffirmed the enduring significance of survivors’ voices and the ongoing pursuit of justice and equality in ...

In response to a surge in badly behaved foreign tourists overcrowding a popular photo spot with views of Mount Fuji, Japanese authorities have announced plans to erect a massive barrier to block the iconic sight. The decision comes as a ...

The Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA), helmed by Gideon Falter, emerged in the wake of the 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict, driven by activists disenchanted with existing Jewish communal organizations’ responses to escalating antisemitism. Initially galvanized by the Tricycle Theatre’s decision to cancel ...