Google Wallet Now Supports Digital ID Cards and Event Passes for Android Users

Google Wallet Now Supports Digital ID Cards and Event Passes for Android Users
Google Wallet Now Supports Digital ID Cards and Event Passes for Android Users

Google has introduced a new tool for Android users to create digital versions of various ID cards and event passes for storage in their device wallets. This feature is integrated into the Google Wallet app and was first announced in May as part of the Android 15 update. The tool is now available for users in the U.S. who have the latest version of the app, as explained on Google Wallet’s help page.

Digital wallets allow users to store non-physical versions of credit cards, personal IDs, and passes on their smartphones. These digital versions are connected to the respective issuing banks or organizations and can function just like physical cards. The use of digital wallets has become more widespread as they reduce the need to carry physical cards and passes, making them more convenient for users.

Google Wallet Now Supports Digital ID Cards and Event Passes for Android Users
Google Wallet Now Supports Digital ID Cards and Event Passes for Android Users

Previously, Google Wallet organized digital documents into categories like payment cards, transportation passes, and official IDs. The new tool now enables users to add a wider range of documents to Google Wallet, including items such as gym memberships, medical cards, and insurance cards. These digital documents can be created by either photographing physical cards or capturing digital versions using a screen capture.

Google Wallet utilizes artificial intelligence to generate digital passes from the photos or screen captures users provide. The process of creating these digital documents mirrors the previous methods of adding documents to Google Wallet, with a new “Everything Else” category added to store a variety of additional cards and passes. Security measures have also been enhanced, ensuring sensitive data remains stored only on the user’s device.

In certain states, such as Arizona and Georgia, people can create digital IDs that can be used for official identification purposes, including at airports. Google Wallet is also working on creating digital versions of American passports, though the digital passport would not replace the physical document. This feature is still in development, and users are advised to continue carrying their physical passports for now.