Adobe Working on An AI Tool for Advanced Photo Editing

Adobe Company

During the Pixel 8 event this week, Google intensified its focus on AI-driven photography. Following the introduction of Google Photos’ Magic Editor at I/O 2023, Google has now revealed the Best Take AI photo-editing feature.

The Magic Editor allows users to remove objects from images, reposition subjects, and modify aspects like weather conditions.

Meanwhile, the Pixel 8’s Best Take feature captures multiple photos of faces taken in quick succession to produce ideal images where everyone is smiling and looking at the camera without blinking.

All these advancements are made possible by AI, contributing to a new trend of creating events that never actually occurred. I’ve previously mentioned that AI might push photo edits beyond realistic boundaries, potentially resulting in fake images that could be misused.

However, Adobe might soon offer an even more advanced AI-based image editing tool. Known as Project Stardust, this new software from Adobe will be revealed in a few days at Adobe Max. A teaser video shows the impressive capabilities of the product.

The clip demonstrates that Adobe’s AI photo editor is comparable to Google’s Pixel 8 AI features, but with potentially more powerful functionality.

The AI will automatically recognize elements in a photo and allow users to remove unwanted items with a single button press.

You won’t need to manually select objects for removal; simply click the Remove distractors button that appears.

Adobe Company (Photo: Getty Images)

Adobe’s Project Stardust, like Google’s AI editor, will enable you to modify memories by moving objects and people in photos effortlessly.

Adobe showcases how removing a suitcase from an image not only eliminates the suitcase but also removes the shadow and seamlessly fills the space left behind. The result may make it appear as if the object was never there.

Furthermore, Adobe’s upcoming AI editor will allow users to insert objects into photos. For example, Adobe replaces a suitcase with flowers in one demonstration, creating an entirely new image—a memory of something that never actually happened.

The tool’s capabilities extend further. Adobe’s AI will enable users to remove and replace individual pieces of clothing in images. You can even describe the desired clothing item for the AI to insert, which is truly remarkable.

This feature could be immediately useful for the shopping industry but could also distort reality.

It’s important to note that similar edits can currently be achieved using tools like Adobe Photoshop. Skilled creators can manipulate images in comparable ways, but it is time-consuming and requires expertise.

With Project Stardust, however, the AI will handle everything automatically. This means that even those without Photoshop skills or significant time investment will be able to perform sophisticated edits quickly and easily.

This accessibility could lead to a surge in fake photo creation, and others may falsely claim that genuine photos are AI-generated.

Adobe’s Max event begins on October 10th, where we will learn more about this alternative to the Magic Editor. It is hoped that Adobe will also address any measures being taken to mitigate the potential misuse of these powerful tools.

Olivia Murphy
Driven by a commitment to excellence and integrity, Olivia strives to empower her audience with knowledge that enables informed decision-making and fosters a deeper understanding of the business world. She believes in the power of storytelling to bridge gaps, spark dialogue, and drive meaningful progress within the global business community.