Apple Expands Vision Pro Headset to Global Markets Amid Sales Challenges and User Critiques

Apple Expands Vision Pro Headset to Global Markets Amid Sales Challenges and User Critiques
Apple Expands Vision Pro Headset to Global Markets Amid Sales Challenges and User Critiques

Apple has expanded the availability of its Vision Pro spatial computing headset to several new international markets including the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, and Australia. Previously, the $3,499 device was only sold in select regions such as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, mainland China, and the United States.

This move comes amid reports of slower-than-expected sales in the U.S., where the headset has yet to reach 100,000 units sold since its February launch, according to market analysis by IDC.

The Vision Pro represents Apple’s first foray into mixed reality, blending augmented and virtual reality capabilities. It offers innovative control options through eye-tracking, hand gestures, and voice commands, which have garnered mixed feedback.

Apple Expands Vision Pro Headset to Global Markets Amid Sales Challenges and User Critiques
Apple Expands Vision Pro Headset to Global Markets Amid Sales Challenges and User Critiques

While many users appreciate its advanced technology and hardware capabilities, there are concerns about its ergonomic design, usability of gesture controls, and comfort during prolonged use. Criticism has also surfaced regarding the overall application of VR technology and the limited content available for the headset.

In an effort to boost interest and adoption, Apple Stores in the newly launched markets are now offering free demos of the Vision Pro on a first-come, first-served basis. Customers can also reserve demo slots online for the upcoming week, aiming to provide potential buyers with hands-on experience to address some of the uncertainties surrounding the device.

Apple’s expansion strategy into these international markets is likely aimed at revitalizing interest and accelerating sales of the Vision Pro headset, leveraging broader geographic availability to reach new customer segments and drive adoption beyond its initial launch markets.