Sightful Creates the AR Laptop Spacetop, 100 Inch Screen on the Go

Sightful Spacetop Laptop

Human-computer interaction company Sightful is set to launch its first product, Spacetop, a screen-less “augmented reality laptop” that projects tabs onto a 100-inch virtual screen.

This innovative device is essentially a hardware deck paired with a full-size keyboard and a set of customized NReal glasses. These glasses project virtual tabs directly in front of the user, while remaining invisible to others around them.

In terms of specifications, the Spacetop is powered by a Snapdragon 865 processor, an Adreno 650 GPU, 8GB of RAM, and 256GB of storage, placing it in the same performance category as some smartphones capable of supporting AR glasses.

However, it is not as compact as a smartphone; it measures 1.57 inches in height, 10.47 inches in width, and 8.8 inches in depth, and weighs 3.3 pounds, similar to many laptops currently on the market.

Sightful Laptop

Sightful aims to make a significant impact in the work-from-home and mobile work environments. Tamir Berliner, Sightful’s co-founder who has previously worked with Leap Motion and Primesense, stated,

“Laptops are the centerpiece of our daily working lives, but the technology has not evolved to match the modern work-from-anywhere and privacy-focused mentality.

Meanwhile, augmented reality holds immense potential but has yet to establish a daily use case.” Berliner added, “We are at a pivotal moment for a major shift in a device that we all know and love.”

Currently, Spacetop is available exclusively to 1,000 early adopters through an application-based program. Details regarding the price and availability are not yet announced, but we will continue to follow this project to see if it can achieve success where others have struggled.

Jessica Smith
Whether dissecting the strategies of successful entrepreneurs or analyzing the impact of global economic shifts, Jessica Smith's insightful narratives provide readers with a deeper understanding of the intricate workings of the business world.